HMS’s ASNT NAS410 NDT Certification Program
When we acquired X-ray & CT to complement our metrology services, we imagined way too small. In less than two years we have become a global supplier of NDT for all industry sectors. Unfortunately, we have also missed out on several amazing contracts due to not having specific certifications; so we are upping the ante!
We are pleased to announce we’ve partnered with WeaverNDT to establish a formal ASNT and NAS-410 RT/CT NDT Certification Program. We are already operating to this written practice for NDT with Greg Weaver (Cert#149144) acting as Haven Metrology Service’s Responsible Level III. HMS’s technicians are officially on the path to Level I, II, & III certifications.
These new standards and program guarantee adherence to the highest NDT standards for Non-Film RT & CT Non-Destructive Testing.