Leap Frogging vs. Machined Pattern

 In Blogs, PolyWorks Tips, SCAN

Portable Metrology using Scan Arm CMMs

Haven Metrology’s scan specialists travel across the United States for a variety of projects. These projects range from the digitization of art, gauge certifications, machine alignments, and more. While our high accuracy structured light systems are portable, we typically opt to use devices designed for the range of environments we see.

Our desire for a diverse dimensional equipment lineup is why we have the best of both laser scan arm CMM brands:

Faro Technology’s Quantum S 11.5ft Arm & LLP

Hexagon’s Absolute 11.5ft Arm & AS1 Scanner

Onsite Fixture Certification using Portable CMM

Leap Frogging or Machined Pattern

Leap frogging is the term that describes using magnetic, conical features placed around the project. Because each arm has a spherical measurement zone of 11.5ft, we can extend this range by probing these cones, moving the arm, and then re-probing the cones. The software then transposes these cone locations into alignments which allows an unlimited measurement volume.

Metrology’s worst enemy is movement. Cones can move slightly, and single point measurements are not very repeatable. This is why we work alongside our clients, when possible, to machine a simple pattern directly onto their projects or fixtures. The location of the pattern is optimized and can limit large fixture projects from three or four leap frog set ups to just one centralized set up. This reduces leap frog drifting, potential tripod shifting, and increases accuracy by fixing the measurement device directly to the measured object.

You can download the plate pattern for incorporation into your own design here.

The FARO QuantumS Arm is the world’s most innovative portable coordinate measuring machine that allows verification of product quality by performing 3D inspections, dimensional analysis, CAD comparison, tool certifications, reverse engineering, and more.
The Absolute Scanner AS1 is the flagship 3D scanning sensor for Absolute Tracker AT960 and Absolute Arm 7-Axis systems. Using cutting-edge blue-laser technology and advanced programming, it combines ‘always-on’ maximum performance...
On-site Fixture Certifications using Faro Arm

Serving clients across the globe, Haven Metrology is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, ASNT & NAS410 certified, and ITAR registered and compliant contract inspection lab using CMMs with PC-DMIS & Calypso, 3D Scanning with PolyWorks, Industrial CT Computed Tomography & X-Ray Radiography with Volume Graphics, Reverse Engineering with Geomagic Design X, High Accuracy Vision services, and a wide variety of hand measurement tools.

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